Understanding Your SaaS Financial Model

A SaaS financial model is unique compared to traditional…

question mark on chalkboard

3 Questions Startups Need to Ask Themselves About Money

Startups have a lot to be thinking about. But one of the…

rocket launching into space

How to Beta Test Your Product Before You Launch

Startups need to move fast, but they also need to move in…

pile of dollar bills

Startup Funding – 7 Ways to Fund Your Startup

Startup funding is an important component of growing an…

How to be a Non-Technical Co-Founder in a Pre-Launch Tech-Startup

All you non-tech founders - don’t just sit around waiting…

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Setting Up a Company Budget and Planning Your Expenses the Right Way

Is your business bleeding cash? Learn how to easily…

business man drawing pie chart in a meeting presentation

Creating and Delivering Your Investor Pitch

Create and deliver your investor pitch so you can secure…

cup of coffee spilled over documents on a desk

5 Financial Mistakes that Kill Business Progress

Businesses and startups alike underestimate common…

grid of graphs and charts

3 Essential Components of Your Financial Model

Formulate assumptions to forecast revenues, budget costs…

stop sign in front of a tree

Stop Creating Financial Models Using Spreadsheets!

Stop using spreadsheets - building a business forecast…